
Obrázek uživatele Layla TB

"You know what? Eat me! I have had enough of this bullshit."
He slammed the door when leaving the therapist to the dark of the night.

They found him the next week. How unfortunate it is to run into a serial murderer right after throwing a tantrum at his medical specialist. The very specialist that was brought to the murder scene to evaluate the proves.

"What do you think, Hannibal?"
"Oh, he must have made someone very angry. Look at the way the culprit made sure to make him suffer."
"Do you know of anyone?"
"Sadly, he had many enemies. "

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Urban dictionary:
Lehce BJB. Nečetla jsem dosavadní drabblata, tak snad jsem se s nikým nekopírovala. I když Hannibal se k tomu přímo podbízí.


Obrázek uživatele Tenny

Pár drabblat na Hanibala na tohle téma už je, ale obsahově jiná, myslím. :) A to tvoje je super. ;)

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