Saving Grace
One of the camp followers approaches the party, bent over the map, plotting the next course.
"We should stop by this village over here," she says, half pleading.
"Why? It's out of our way, and there's nothing remarkable about it."
She blushes.
"My sweetheart is there. We haven't seen each other in weeks, and I am worried sick, with the Rad's activity..."
"You're afraid they'd kill or convert him?"
"Don't we have enough eligible Erekari men in our ranks?"
She blushes again.
"We do have men, yes. But Grace is the best herbalist I've ever known. She could join us."
- Pro psaní komentářů se přihlaste.
Ano prosím, určitě bys se tam
Ano prosím, určitě bys se tam měli stavit! <3
"Don't we have enough eligible Erekari men in our ranks?". Myslím, že od mnohých by se mu dostalo mnohem nevybíravější odpovědi. :D