13. Three
Galilhai shook the flour off of her hands and wiped them on the apron tied around her waist. She put the tray with cookies into the oven and checked her watch. They will be in the kitchenette before she needs to get back to work. She let her thoughts wander once more, washing up the few remaining dishes. She took off the apron and checked her outfit, to make sure none of her baking got on it. She reflexively smoothed down her impeccably coifed blonde hair and then pulled a mirror out of the small clutch she dropped on the table. She reapplied her lipstick and looked at the rest of her face. As her eyes met those of her image, her thumb brushed the intricate silver filigree around the glass. The image waved like water and then changed, showing her a different set of eyes in a very different scenery. The picture oozed tranquility and she smiled in relief. All might yet be well with her newest recruit. She put the mirror away, pulled the cookies out of the oven and opened a portal.
Earl sat in a café, reading his favourite newspaper and enjoying a cup of strong coffee. The news were traditionally devoid of most of the interesting or important stuff. But some of the official, media-cleared reports on things the Agency took part in were at least entertaining to read. Suddenly he sat up straighter and his eyes came back to carefully read through one of the articles again. Satisfied that he didn't misread, he folded the papers and headed out. On the way, he was passing a homeless man begging for alms. One of his eyes was swollen almost shut and there were some sores on the hands that were reaching out. Earl checked his watch as he bent down, dropping a few coins to the waiting palm. At the same time he pushed a button in the golden frame around the dial. As he walked on, there was a shout of surprise, as the man realized he can see through both eyes. Earl smiled and stuck his hands in the pockets of his jacket.
Gaerwn walked down a deserted street, hat drawn low over his eyes. He could hear the bustle from the square nearby. There was a huge screen for the hockey championship fans to gather and watch. There were many of them, as the match was nearing an end. Given the number of foreigners visiting the city, there was a palpable tension building up. Gaerwn found his way into the middle, where the crowd was the thickest and from where the first insults and fighting words were starting to fly. He looked around and reached into his pocket for his tobacco box. He pulled out a bite and started to chew. As he was putting the box back into his pocket, his index finger found and traced an intricate ornament on its lid. Slowly the atmosphere in the crowd changed. The bickering "teams" changed topics and started agreeing with each other. Soon instead of an expected fight the sports event turned into a peaceful but powerful demonstration. None of the people paid any attention to the elderly man, who slipped back into one of the side streets with a satisfied smile.
Kelly was sitting at her desk, eyes closed, hand sketching schematics on a paper in front of her. She looked at her creation, swore and tore the page out and to pieces. Then she started again. Nine magics weaved together to form one, that was so different. How did she redivide it into three that first time? She couldn't remember. She knew the three artefacts she gave to the directors came close... but not close enough. She knew she can do it, she well remember, she just needs to work harder. Another schematic, another torn paper, another try.
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