
Obrázek uživatele Blanca

When the director glided into the lab, the temperature seemed to drop slightly. The agent motioned to the shelves.
Swan nodded and took the two items she came for.
She turned the glass in her palms a couple times, first with deep scrutinizing stare, then with eyes closed. She repeated the same process with the locket.
Mouse didn't ask for verdict.
If emotions were part of her expertise, Swan wouldn't be involved.
And if they had anything else to go on, they wouldn't need emotions.
On hard surfaces their traces were too prone to fading and contamination to be reliable.


Obrázek uživatele Elluška

že ty původní relevantní emoce nepřekryla slečna laborantka svým upřímným "kurwa" :)

Obrázek uživatele Alexka

Můžou se emoce vrstvit jako pachy? Je Swan takový lepší policejní pes? Samé otázky. ;)

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