Beyond Past
"What are we doing here?" Raven asked, his voice hushed. The place had that effect.
"Looking for answers."
Her fingers brushed the spines of the softly whispering books, then stopped on one.
She hesitated a moment before pulling it out.
"What I and Swan got from the locket and looking glass gave me an idea."
"I thought these were just biographies of dead people... sorry," he added as he noticed the name on the tome and the fleeting tightening of her grip on it.
"It's more like looking through their eyes. And sometimes, you just need to take a gamble."
Tohle chtělo mít šest set slov. A nevím, jestli jsem s tím takhle spokojená. Nu, snad téma dá a bonus svolí a ještě s tím něco provedeme.
- Pro psaní komentářů se přihlaste.
Já bych chtěla těch zbylých
Já bych chtěla těch zbylých 500, prosím, klidně do sz, nikomu to neřeknu. ;)
Taky bych chtěla ten zbytek :)
Je tam krásně jemně, ale výstižně popsané, jak je to pro ni těžké, ale snaží se to skrývat.