Here We Go Again
"Are you sure this is safe?" Marek (sobered by magical remedy) asked, not for the first time.
His eyes were glued to the girl across the table from him, who, in turn, did everything she could not to look at him. She was picking at a loose thread on her jeans nervously, ignoring everyone.
"No, but it's the only shot we have at making it right again," Kelly, sitting with them and wearing the locket, answered. "So we better get started."
She glanced at the ritual they pulled from the dead girl's computer and put her fingers on the ouija.
- Pro psaní komentářů se přihlaste.
Zahrávání si s neznámým
Zahrávání si s neznámým nedopadá dobře. Snad z toho vyváznou ve zdraví.
Tak pro Mouse (Kelly) to není úplně neznámá, ale teda doslova nasazuje vlastní krk. A kdoví co ještě.
Svěle uvěřitelné chování té nervózní holky!