
Obrázek uživatele Blanca

The village was on the verge of ruin and despair.
"Help us!" there was a woman, braver than most. "Please! My father is ill. Surely you have someone skilled in medicine?"
The adventurers looked at each other.
"What is ailing him?" one of them asked, cautiously.
The woman took them into a house, where an old man laid, only semi-conscious.
Two of the strangers bent over to examine him.
"I'm going to need something to focus this magic," one of them said finally. "A hen?"
"The Rads took them all! Even to the last feather..."
"There are some excrements though..."


Obrázek uživatele Elluška

Mám ráda dračák, budu číst dračák a dělat dračákové fóry. Ale víš, co mi tahle scéna hrozně asociovala? Jak babička ze Slunce seno leží v posteli na dvoře a schovává slepičí hovínka, aby jí dcera neodháněla slepičky z peřiny :))) MÁ HO TAM! HOVNO! Moc se omlouvám, ale asociace je fakt silná :)))

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

To je náhodou skvělá asociace *brečí smíchy*
Ono to vzniklo totiž tím, že můj mozek si nějak prohodil slepičárnu a slepičinec...

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