
Obrázek uživatele Blanca


Úvodní poznámka: 

Nahrazuje téma č. 8: Otrávené jablko


The grove looked like all four seasons lived there next to each other.
The children started to pick flowers to weave them into crowns.
Some even splashed in the babbling brook.
Only when one of them reached to pick an apple from an impossibly autumnal tree the cleric caught their hand.
"Whoever you are," he spoke to the air. "Show yourself. We mean no harm. We just want to pass through."
The trees seemed to hold their breath for a heartbeat.
"Your hands are full of blood," the grove answered. "Your mind is poisoned by war. The children deserve better!"

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Atiec Maroz


The frozen steppe grew harsher with every step.
They decided to keep moving through the night, afraid they might not wake up if they stop.
Eyes misted, asaulted by the minuscule particles, the gleeful air threw at them.
"Forest," the ranger pointed out. "Hopefully we can take shelter there!"
As soon as they stepped in, the few children of the caravan heard tinkling, like bells.
Soon, to the dismay of uncomprehending adults, they were laughing and dancing deeper into the trees, led by the sound.
The sorceress followed, almost enchanted.
"My children. Are you warm now?" a soothing voice asked.

Obrázek uživatele Blanca



The further east they traveled, the less settlements they encountered.
The countryside grew ever wilder.
And with every step and every turn in it it seemed more aware of their presence.
If they concentrated, they could feel the magic, ever more foreign, ever more unknown crackling all around them.
There was almost a palpable curiosity in the air, as if every creature - and pretty soon every landscape feature as well - looked and listened and considered the Interlopers into their territory.
Pretty soon all the chatter, usual during the day on the road, quietened to whispers, reminiscent of reverence in church.

Obrázek uživatele Blanca



At first they almost didn't notice.
Little creeks that flowed despite the more and more bitter cold.
But as they started to descend from the mountain range there was more and more of them, joining together, skipping along the stones with tingling challenge.
The world around them was glittering with icy frosting, precarious to navigate.
And yet, as the stream became river, it refreshed the wandering hearts.
As they looked across the plain, covered in snow with occasional conifer, it seemed tied together by that blue ribbon.
Where the fresh water hugs salt in welcome, their ship will be waiting.

Obrázek uživatele Blanca



Everything fell into the eerie silence of anticipation, and that's when they could hear it.
Krraaa! Krraaa! Krraaa!
The cleric frowned.
"Tell me those are rooks," he indicated black birds, swooping in and out of sight.
"Crows," the ranger grimmed, eyes narrowed, ears pricked. "We better be stealthy."
They crept through the undergrowth, until they came to a small clearing.
With very fresh, very open mass grave, crawling with cawing blackness.
The paladin moved to step into the open.
"Don't," the ranger pulled him back, pointing at two crows perched on branches, seemingly keeping guard.
"Who know who they serve..."

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

On the Road


When you have to cross such vast distance, you need speed, agility, and endurance.
When it is paramount to keep going, you need something that will carry you.
Legs or wheels.
Both need maintenance - the wheels can be replaced (with a bit of time and material, which you might not have), the legs need to be protected.
Which is why, every evening, while the campfires are burning, there are the sounds of hammers on metal, and neighing, as the new horseshoes are shaped and affixed; and the softer sounds of mallets and needles on leather, shaping, reshaping and darning shoes.

Obrázek uživatele Blanca



They had a reputation, the Erekari.
Valiant souls, never fleeing from a fight.
Fearless adventurers who won't balk at any challenge.
Mere sight of their banner gave enough courage to make them almost invincible.
Some considered them daredevils, cavalierly defying odds, mocking danger...

"You have some nerve!" spat the innkeeper.
"It's called gallantry," the cleric shrugged, tossing a bag of gold on the bar.
"...or having a lot of heart," the bar wench piped up, cheeks crimson.
"Aye, I've got two of those," the dwarven paladin replied with a wink. "Solid effin' brass ones. In my sack."
The sorceress choked.

Závěrečná poznámka: 

Opět se omlouvám za hříčku v cizím jazyce. "To have heart" nebo "to take heart" znamená mít odvahu. To samé lze vyjádřit i výrazem "have balls" (případně "solid brass balls"), což rozhodně párový orgán je ;)

Obrázek uživatele Blanca



Complications were expected.
However, as they passed into the wilderness, they should lessen, as does the Rad's activity.
"There is something wrong with the mountain pass," the village elder warns sagely. "We have not had anyone come through from the east since the thaw before last."
"What about the other way?" the ranger asks.
"Five or six parties tried. One of them came back, of the others none was heard from again."
That earned some raised eyebrows.
"Is there someone of the party that came back we could talk to?"
"You can try. But their tongues stayed in those mountains..."

Obrázek uživatele Blanca


Úvodní poznámka: 

Nahrazuje téma č. 20: Kapitola sama pro sebe

Tohle bylo napsáno 20.4. ve 21:30, akorát jsem si nevšimla, že se mi to nezveřejnilo, protože jsem byla na cestě na Earth Day akci. A mozek mi sežraly děti. #facepalm


Mir is world, peace and fatherland.
It stands on its own, its people tough as their land.
Some say it is too big to hold together.
There definitely are wide differences within it.
The world of bustling cities, overflowing with luxuries looked with condescension and disdain at the world of fields and forests, brimming with hard work.
And the world of nature, untamed, wild, thrumming and singing with magic more ancient than most would believe was constantly striving against both the others.
The Mirians had little thought for anything outside their borders.
They always had both friends and enemies within.

Obrázek uživatele Blanca



They want to go home - although what *is* home remains to be seen.
For two centuries Erekaria has been occupied by a neighbouring country with pretensions to empirehood.
Now it finally had a chance to break the chains and stand on its own again.
There were a lot of opinions on which way they should cast their lots next.

The country is too small to stand without allies.
The allies cannot be allowed to turn into usurpers ever again.
We have the opportunity to garner favour with 'cousins' right here, right now.
We no longer need to fight another's war.

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

One Nation


They came from different walks of life, different castes, even different ethnicities.
In the beginning they had nothing in common, carried on the wave of migration, prompted by warriors fallen out of mind and time.
Flotsam and jetsam on the stream of history, carried and caught in a small cauldron of a country.
United by a moral code, that grew into (or out of?) religion.
The diverse community knit and wound ever closer by the notion that all they could rely on were each other.
Respect - grudging at first, but warmer with each generation.
Erekaria, their homeland, mothered her people.

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Different Approaches


The cleric, paladin and sorceress were leaning over a map, discussing a plan.
Suddenly the ranger burst into the room, victoriously waving a small bundle of some... dried herbs.
"I've got us the way into the tower!" she announced gleefully. "Grace, the herbalist, had it in her supplies!"
Her companions looked at her with confusion.
"Not sure which part is 'ear', so I took the whole plants."
The sorceress caught on, and almost facepalmed.
"I said we need 'the ear of A sage' - the trust of someone who has access to the wizards' order!"
The tabaxi blinked: "Oh! ... Tea, anyone?"

Závěrečná poznámka: 

Dovolila jsem si slovní hříčku poangličtit, snad je i tak zjevná souvislost.

Obrázek uživatele Blanca



The situation was deteriorating fast.
Suddenly there was a crash and an arrow flew in through the window, closely followed by a dwarf, yelling something that might have been a battlecry, or an insult to whoever threw him.
In the few minutes that followed, the confused Mirians lost any and all advantage they initially had.
Soon enough they were pushed out of the room, some through the just opened window, others through more conventional means (the door).
Finally, with feline elegance, the ranger swung in on a rope and landed softly right next to the safe, lockpick kit in hand.

Obrázek uživatele Blanca



The adventuring party stood in front of a conundrum.
The copse of trees they were coming up to was almost definitely important and some sort of magical.
The question was, how to find out if who- or whatever reigned over it was neutral or took a side in the war.
"It might be just nature. A dryad or maybe a ring of druids?" the ranger guessed.
The paladin looked at her sideways. "When did you last check your character sheet?"
"My what?" she sputtered, flabbergasted.
"Oh..." the paladin blushed. "I meant, I seem to remember you being proficient in nature..."

Obrázek uživatele Blanca



They were traveling through a... plain. Even at the best of times it used to be deserted, but now they might as well have been on the moon. It was bitterly cold.
The party was keeping vanguard, making sure nothing attacks the caravan.
They were just coming up to a rock formation when...
...a chasm opened up in the ground right in front of them. The cleric almost lost his balance, milling his arms in the air before the paladin caught him.

"...well, there goes that map!" the DM shook his head. "I knew this rubber is too hard!"

Závěrečná poznámka: 

Trochu BJB, nějak nemám šťávu.

Obrázek uživatele Blanca



The huge stone axe barely missed the cleric's head.
"Train!" the living statue bellowed.
The sorceress lobbed a scorching ray towards it.
"Train!" it shrugged it off, apparently immune to magic.
The paladin, who seemed to be the only one not targeted grinned.
"It's a golem," he explained as one more of his companions barely dodged a blow. When none of the party reacted with more than nasty looks, he added: "A drill sergeant golem, meant to train new recruits."
More glares.
"Alright, stop. Training over," he finally said. "Time to go home."
"Train?" the golem asked, but then followed.

Závěrečná poznámka: 

Trochu překroucené téma - Last Train, before we go Home ;)

Obrázek uživatele Blanca



The statue was almost menacing, with a battleaxe firmly grasped in both hands.
The old arena of an unused, decrepit military facility in the middle of nowhere was not a place you would normally want to linger in.
But they had a mission. They needed something to give the caravan an edge, coming into the vicinity of the last big(ish) city on their way east.
Not that this seemed promising.
Then the paladin noticed something.
He put his hand on one of the fists and pulled it along the shaft of the axe into a correct position.
The statue moved.

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Turn of Fate


The ranger sniffed the air and shot a few furtive looks around.
Then headed into the darkness underground.
The silence of the shaft was only punctuated by the rings of falling water droplets.
"This is not right," she whispered to herself, whiskers standing to attention with unease. Her nostrils flared with the coppery smell of blood.
She notched an arrow into her bow.
Suddenly a shape came into view. An abandoned cart.
It looked empty, but a quick swipe of her paw caught a small metallic pebble.
Maybe this will pay for a bit of trout from that nearby farm...

Závěrečná poznámka: 

The ranger is a tabaxi (basically a antromorphous cat) and she is investigating a gold mine.

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Initiative Order


The ground lurched and the paladin slid down an embankment, where the rest of the party crouched for cover.
"Well, that's our answer about this 'three crones' thing, I guess."
He grimaced at the warlock, who just shook his head, popped up and fired off an eldritch blast.
One of the three unfortunately deflected it, and in response the ground shook again, this time sprouting some menacing wines.
"We need our cleric, where is he?"
A snoring was his reply.
"Seriously??? He is still out, with all that ruckus around? How long does that sleep spell last, exactly?"
Everyone shrugged.

Závěrečná poznámka: 

Vzato v původním znění "Shaken, not stirred"

Obrázek uživatele Blanca



She was the force that united them, the thing that held them together when the forces of the world threatened to tear them asunder.
Some said she was a princess of old, the one who led the first inhabitants to the land of milk and honey. Others thought she was the goddess, the creator.
One thing was certain - she was the Savior, the Protector.
To be an Erekari meant to believe in and worship her.
Dcerka, our Lady, do not let us or future ones perish.
"I will not.
I will go with you everywhere, and bring you back home."

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

That's a New One


Forests were good.
They were a source of wood, food, medicinal herbs and good hiding places.
"Hello forest! Run!" joked the druid of the party.
"You know it doesn't work that way," came an unexpected answer. "We plants prefer to stay put."
The sorceress firebolted the shrub, before anyone could stop him.
The ranger's hound averted catastrophy by peeing on the fire, making it go out.
"Gross," the shrub shook droplets off its leaves.
"I could have used holy water," mumbled the cleric.
That's when a ghost-like figure rose out of the branches.
"Next time, I'll mask as a waterfall!"

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Party Crashers


In a way, the Rads were predictable. Press everyone to convert (and give their worldly possessions into service of "the cause"), or murder them in their crusade (and take their possessions anyway).
Travelling through the night, you could see the fires burning - non-compliant, looted villages set alight, or camp bonfires celebrating the latest success?
Sometimes you could tell by the sounds... other times... you could not.
The smart option was to not engage.
It might be easy.
Sneak by, while the garrisons sleep in drunken stupor.
Treat locals with respect, but do not see the pleading tears in their eyes.

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Roll me a d6


Another day, another road.
The caravan plods along, at a pace the slowest of them can keep. Unease grips at every soul. Eyes dart back and forth, left, right... Sometimes one of the rear guard turns in their saddle to face backwards.
Everyone knows danger lurks everywhere around them. The question is, what are they facing today. Monsters from the wilds? Rads? Something worse?
The scouts are coming back, foreheads creased with worry.
The leader raises his arm and the wagons stop.
"Form the wagon fort!"
Five officers peel off.
The prayers of the whole Erekari camp go with them.

Obrázek uživatele Blanca



The village was on the verge of ruin and despair.
"Help us!" there was a woman, braver than most. "Please! My father is ill. Surely you have someone skilled in medicine?"
The adventurers looked at each other.
"What is ailing him?" one of them asked, cautiously.
The woman took them into a house, where an old man laid, only semi-conscious.
Two of the strangers bent over to examine him.
"I'm going to need something to focus this magic," one of them said finally. "A hen?"
"The Rads took them all! Even to the last feather..."
"There are some excrements though..."

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