An Angel and a Demon
In the beginning, there were two angels. They were young and eager to see what may come next.
Then one of them fell from heaven. His glee turned into resentment and he lost his hope for the future.
The angel turned into a demon.
It was a tale as old as time. The angel and the demon weren't allowed to see each other anymore but they didn't listen. Their hearts grew fond of each other. And as the centuries went by, they couldn't imagine life without the other.
They fell in love.
And the rest is history.
Or is it?!
Taky vám přijde, že to letos uteklo nějak moc rychle? :) Děkuji všem, co četli a komentovali a doufám, že jste si DMD užili a že se uvidíme buď na pikniku nebo někdy příště <3
- Pro psaní komentářů se přihlaste.
It's the old, old story.
It's the old, old story. Angel finds angel. Angel becomes demon. Angel finds demon again. Demon loses angel, angel haunts demon in the body of a psychic sex worker, demon gets angel back again, etc. (Obscure Red Dwarf reference.) I <3 this. :)
I love it! It's classic story
I love it! It's classic story.
To bylo super! :-). Jasné,
To bylo super! :-). Jasné, stručné, výstižné. A velmi jemné. Přívětivé. Kahviin komentář je vše vystihující.
PS: Jo, uteklo to. Taky to sama nechápu.