Circles or Spirals?

Obrázek uživatele Blanca
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Nahrazuje téma č. 13 - Zdravá strava


Mouse found what she was looking for... almost.
"Unfortunately we won't know for certain, unless we try it..."

Owl was still explaining why this was a good idea as they stopped the van in front of a run-down panel apartment complex.
When Marek finally came to the door, Raven scowled at his colleague with an "still-sure-we-need-this?" expression.
Unfocused, bloodshot eyes, tremors, lack of balance and barely coherent speech hinted at what the smell coming from the flat and the clink of bottles confirmed.
"You need to sober up," Raven growled.
"Can't man," the youngster chuckled. "Tried. It makes everything worse."


Obrázek uživatele Alexka

Realita umí být pěkná svině, nedivím se touze filtrovat ji přes zajímavé substance.

Obrázek uživatele Elluška

To musel bejt příšernej zážitek pro tu mládež... Tihle amatérský ezo-magiči, ach jo.

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