Do You Want To Live Forever?
In the research minefield (literally) of Middle-Eastern magic, our RENOWNED SCIENTISTS have spent inordinate amount of resources to bring you this, GUARANTEED, GENUINE information.
It is possible to REINCARNATE BY MAGIC.
Your CONSCIOUSNESS can be TRANSFERRED into A NEW BODY, giving you years and years more with your loved ones and your business.
Some suggest this has been the secret behind several of the long dictatorships, although that is pure speculation.
Does it sound too good to be true?
Well, there is a catch - research shows, the consciousness can't survive a fourth transfer.
Still. THREE LIFETIMES are better than one.
Published in the Magazine of Modern Scientific Magic, Sarmad Publishing House Inc.
- Pro psaní komentářů se přihlaste.
"Your loved ones and your business" :)) Riiiiight. Or your personal vendetta.
Že si Sarmad vydává vlastní magazín je trochu jako když Lovegoodovi vydávali Quibbler. Nestydím se za tento názor!
To mě přesně napadlo. Sarmad
To mě přesně napadlo. Sarmad publishing = Quibbler press. :-D
Ablebleble, Sarmad...
Ablebleble, Sarmad...
Hm, nějak mi naskočila asociace s viteály.