Ducklings in the row

Obrázek uživatele Sothis Blue
Úvodní poznámka: 

In every end-of-chapter recapitulation, Kyle asks himself a handful of questions. He always has to choose one answer out of three.


Gotta get my ducklings in the row.
I came to Hotel Dusk because...
- Ed sent me here again;
- I got a new lead on my search;
- I wanted a drink in good company.
...That's right.
We caught up with Louie and then we...
- played the piano until midnight;
- played bowling in the hall;
- played innocent about the dope smell.
...That's right.
Eventually I fell asleep...
- under the table;
- in Louie's room;
- after breaking into the office.
...That's right.
I should retreat to my bed before...
- Rosa smacks me with her broom;
- Louie steals it;
- Smith kicks me out.
...That's right.

Závěrečná poznámka: 

No, I'm not telling you which answers Kyle chose. Put the story together any way you like.

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