Tango sounds.
Thorin dances onto the stage, holding his grandfather’s cloak and crown in his arms. Continues dancing tango, pretending he is holding a maiden.
Dwalin comes.
Dwalin: “They are dying there!”
Thorin: “The gold is above the dwarves!”
Dwalin: “You are not your grandfather! Wake up!”
Thorin: “Leave, or I will kill you.”
Dwalin leaves.
Dís dances onto the stage.
Thorin: “Didn’t you want to go to bed?”
Dís: “Bed, bed I couldn't go to bed
My head's too light to try to set it down
Sleep, sleep I couldn't sleep tonight
Not for all the jewels in the crown…”
Thorin: “But there are no…”
Dís: “I could have danced all night, I could have danced all night
And still have begged for more
I could have spread my wings and done a thousand things
I've never done before…”
Thorin: “I can see it now! The gold is poisoned! It’s beauty... is a lie! Sister, you saved me! You showed me the truth! We will fight!”
Dís (suddenly normal): “Lets fight for our people!”
Huge fight. Fourteen dwarves come running in.
Legolas (merrily): “Caradhraaaas, Caradhraaas. Mountain that touches the sky that’s Caradhraaas, Caradhraaas.”
Gandalf (shouts): “Wrong movie!”
Light out.