The 32nd Post-Fumigation Quiz

Obrázek uživatele Karin Schecter
Úvodní poznámka: 

Everybody, come to the Bronze for our annual Post-Fumigation party! We got rid of the cockroaches (mostly) and now let's have some fun!




What is the name of Buffy’s sister?
a) Dawn Summers
b) Anya Summers
c) Buffy doesn’t have a sister

What never happened?
a) Xander had a crush on a praying mantis
b) A god demolished a building by stamping in heels
c) Faith could read everyone’s thoughts

What does MOO stand for?
a) Magical Occultists under the Oath
b) Mystical Optimistic Opticians
c) Mothers Opposed to the Occult

How many times did Buffy die?
a) Just once
b) Twice
c) Three times the charm

Who never kissed? (supposedly)
a) Willow and Tara
b) Buffy and Faith
c) Xander and Cordelia

Závěrečná poznámka: 

Answers: a (c is also acceptable, considering Dawn is not her actual sister), c, c, b (c is also acceptable, because technically she flatlined after being shot by Warren), b


Obrázek uživatele Danae

To potěšilo!
Obrázek uživatele Karin Schecter

Tak to jsem ráda <3

Obrázek uživatele girliekatie

Tak jsem nevěděla nic :D

Obrázek uživatele Karin Schecter

Tak vzhledem k tomu, že to neznáš, tak mě to nepřekvapuje :D

-A A +A