Bunch of thugs idling around.
Eggsy enters.
Ducks a hit from the nearest thug.
"Parkour" sequence ensues.
One jump ahead of the slow pokes
One skip ahead of my doom
Next time gonna use a nom de plume
One jump ahead of the hitmen
One hit ahead of the flock
I think I'll take a stroll around the block...
Enter Harry, fighting off the thugs.
Harry: Your father would be so disappointed.
Eggsy wants to react but:
I can show you the world,
fighting, pretending, splendid,
tell me Eggsy now when did you
last put your life on line?
Exit Harry and Eggsy, scene change - bootcamp.
You're a spineless, pale, pathetic lot,
and you haven't got a clue.
Somehow I'll make a man, out of you!
Roxy clears throat.
Be a man! You must be swift as a coursing river...
Boys fail in quests. Roxy tries to interrupt Merlin's song, repeatedly. No success. Pointing a gun at pug... shoots a thug appearing behind Eggsy instead.
smirking Roxy:
Why keep on assuming
Men will save the day
I can be the hero
And do it my own way!
I'm who I am,
I don't need a man!