Moje články

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca

    France is Bacon


    There was a commotion in one of the outbuildings.
    Zaria picked up her pace.
    "What is this?" she asked when she came upon the new fence.
    "A sty," a voice explained behind her.
    She turned with a jerk.
    "But..." she trailed off, as she realized religion and tradition are no longer taken into account here.
    "It's just one more move in the war choreography," the sheikh explained. "When dancing with the devil, you better use all the steps you know."
    She looked at the animals, happily rutting and rolling in the mud.
    "Isn't the use of biological weapons too... mundane?"

    Závěrečná poznámka: 

    Ne, tohle prostě dneska nešlo. Možná to dám ještě nějak nesoutěžně.

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca

    Master... of none?


    Before the third try, Mouse managed to make the two youngsters laugh.
    As their fingers touched the ouija, the pattern finally started emerging.
    Just a little more...
    "לַעֲצוֹר!" she intoned and everything disappeared.
    The two blinked in surprise.
    "You'll heal now," she assured them.
    Raven found her in the kitchenette making hot chocolate.
    "Want some?"
    "No, I just came for the report."
    "On the table. Quite fascinating case, really."
    He skimmed the papers.
    "Owl and I have to tie up the lose ends," he nodded, leaving.
    "I'll be here, washing dishes," she shrugged. "If you need anything else."
    "Thank you, Minnie."

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca

    The Name of the Game


    "Let us cut to the bone now," Mawhub said, accepting a cup of tea (and surreptitiously checking it for poison). "You had something quite powerful here. And I want to know what and where it is."
    The sixteen year old - oldest surviving son of the house - measured him with serious eyes.
    "I'll tell you about it, but the gist is, my father had it on him... when you threw a building on his head. So if you want it, I can show you where to start digging."
    "Son of a dog," Farouk spit grabbing a pick-axe. "Better be telling truth."

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca

    Inside the Velvet Glove


    "They said you were less bloodthirsty than others," Mawhub half-smiled at the sheikh.
    "One does not hold punches back when the very soul of humanity is at stake, brother. You have opened my eyes. I would be foolish not to act on it."
    The smile grew more satisfied.
    As they stepped into the conquered courtyard, Mawhub adressed the huddled together inhabitants:
    "Turn away from the weak faith that didn't protect you. You tried to use magic... now open yourself up to be used by it."
    After they agreed, he asked for someone to sacrifice.
    To make certain they mean it.

    Závěrečná poznámka: 

    Pokud to není zjevné bez kontextu - tak ti dva právě oficiálně shodili svoje masky a ukázali barvy (v pěkně krvavých odstínech). Plus, je tam obrana před tím, aby se "domorodci" zachránili pouhým nasazením masky poslušnosti "dobyvatelům".

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca

    Elephant in the Room


    "Was it this awkward and uncomfortable before?" Mouse asked when they went through the incantation and... nothing.
    "No. It was relaxed. And titillating. Sexy," Marek spoke up with a hint of defiance. "It was supposed to be a foreplay. We were looking to have a threesome after."
    Eliška speared him with a glare, looking up for the first time.
    "No. We. Weren't."
    "I was," he shrugged, satisfied to be getting a raise out of someone.
    Mouse raised her eyebrow at him, unperturbed.
    "It would be first time I've heard about contraceptive ghost," she shrugged. "But at least we're getting somewhere..."

    Závěrečná poznámka: 

    Téma tam je tak trochu přeneseně (tedy s caveatem, že ne z každého sexu musí být porod).

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca

    Let the Divine Power Sort Them Out


    The whir and whistle of missiles formed a weirdly unsettling melody on the bass of detonative percussions. It was an ear splitting racket, but, if you were close enough, you could hear something else. A cheerful clatter of metal on metal, as skilled hands engraved letters and words on shell casings. And a voice intoning an incantation, too solemn and serene to belong into the warlike setting.
    And yet, it was the most quiet sound of them all, the soft patter of liquid, that was crucial to the success of this operation.
    "The wall is breeched," someone yelled.
    Everybody cheered.

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca



    "Mr. President, California is threatening to secede. Again."
    "Tell governor Schwarzenegger we will ban his movies, if they do."
    "Even Conan?"
    "Especially Conan."
    "What about the situation in Iraq?"
    "Tell them we're sorry, the wedding cake looked like kalashnikov!"
    "I referred to the MORIA report, sir."
    "Effing movie industry, bribe Jackson to go back to Zealand?"
    "The agency, sir," vice-president Biden rubbed his forehead. "They indicate a possibility of a magical attack on US interests in the area."
    "Get Jack Ryan on the line now."
    "He is fictional, sir."
    "Newt Scamander then?"
    "He's British."
    "So is tea and cookies."

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca

    Now For Something Completely Different


    He bowed as he came into the main hall.
    "How far along is your 'solution', Master Mawhub?" the sheikh asked without preamble.
    "Few more days."
    The sheikh shook his head and motioned for the sorcerer to follow him outside.
    He signalled to someone.
    There was a whistle as a missile came streaking past, and a mushroom cap of water blossomed on the dam where it landed.
    Two more followed, leaving trails of smoke hanging in the air in their wake.
    "As you say, friend - magic is power. But power has magic of its own, doesn't it? They won't expect this..."

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca

    Here We Go Again


    "Are you sure this is safe?" Marek (sobered by magical remedy) asked, not for the first time.
    His eyes were glued to the girl across the table from him, who, in turn, did everything she could not to look at him. She was picking at a loose thread on her jeans nervously, ignoring everyone.
    "No, but it's the only shot we have at making it right again," Kelly, sitting with them and wearing the locket, answered. "So we better get started."
    She glanced at the ritual they pulled from the dead girl's computer and put her fingers on the ouija.

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca

    Circles or Spirals?

    Úvodní poznámka: 

    Nahrazuje téma č. 13 - Zdravá strava


    Mouse found what she was looking for... almost.
    "Unfortunately we won't know for certain, unless we try it..."

    Owl was still explaining why this was a good idea as they stopped the van in front of a run-down panel apartment complex.
    When Marek finally came to the door, Raven scowled at his colleague with an "still-sure-we-need-this?" expression.
    Unfocused, bloodshot eyes, tremors, lack of balance and barely coherent speech hinted at what the smell coming from the flat and the clink of bottles confirmed.
    "You need to sober up," Raven growled.
    "Can't man," the youngster chuckled. "Tried. It makes everything worse."

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca

    Beyond Past


    "What are we doing here?" Raven asked, his voice hushed. The place had that effect.
    "Looking for answers."
    Her fingers brushed the spines of the softly whispering books, then stopped on one.
    She hesitated a moment before pulling it out.
    "What I and Swan got from the locket and looking glass gave me an idea."
    "I thought these were just biographies of dead people... sorry," he added as he noticed the name on the tome and the fleeting tightening of her grip on it.
    "It's more like looking through their eyes. And sometimes, you just need to take a gamble."

    Závěrečná poznámka: 

    Tohle chtělo mít šest set slov. A nevím, jestli jsem s tím takhle spokojená. Nu, snad téma dá a bonus svolí a ještě s tím něco provedeme.

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca



    Mawhub acted like a caged lion with a thorn in his paw.
    If lions talked when nobody listened...
    His problem was, he ignored his wife.
    Her problem was, she was easily brought to repeat what she heard.
    Zaria's brain clicked with understanding.
    Another coded message left the household the next morning.
    The trinket ended up on Mouse's counter.
    It spoke.
    At first she thought she might have misheard.
    After second time confirmed she didn't, past and present blew up in her mind.
    Her ears rang so bad, there was no point listening to the message again.
    It got drowned out.

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca

    Push Back


    The sheikh decided it was time to venture further afield.
    Crossing Syria's borders was a bold proposition, but the prizes around Al Bukamál were too good to pass on.
    The homestead they came to "negotiate" with wasn't the biggest.
    The jeeps stopped in front of the gate, with Abdul getting out and going to announce the sheikh.
    Mawhub took up his customary meditative pose, eyes closed.
    Suddenly the jeep shot backwards with full speed. The others scattered in different directions.
    Moments later bullets hit the sand where it had stood.
    "Sons of dogs," the sorcerer gritted. "They have magical defences."

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca


    Úvodní poznámka: 

    (what would Melian do?)


    "...a co když je to pravda?" zeptala se, v hlase zranitelnost, určenou jen pro jeho uši. Přistoupil k ní a objal ji.
    "Pramálo na tom záleží, pokud se nenechají přesvědčit," potvrdil.
    Snažila se. Jako vždycky.
    Být tou, která vede.
    Držet věci pohromadě.
    Podělit se o to, co ví.
    Na nedůvěru těch, kdo hledíce na vlastní stín zpochybňovali existenci slunce za svými zády, ale zatvrzele se odmítali otočit.
    Na loajalitu, která nepřipouštěla názor zvenčí skupiny.
    Jako by znovu byla jen "tou Finarfinovic holkou".
    Stiskla ruce svého muže a zvedla hlavu.
    Můžeme odejít, zaznělo myšlenkami.

    Psal se rok 1350 S.A.

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca



    When the director glided into the lab, the temperature seemed to drop slightly. The agent motioned to the shelves.
    Swan nodded and took the two items she came for.
    She turned the glass in her palms a couple times, first with deep scrutinizing stare, then with eyes closed. She repeated the same process with the locket.
    Mouse didn't ask for verdict.
    If emotions were part of her expertise, Swan wouldn't be involved.
    And if they had anything else to go on, they wouldn't need emotions.
    On hard surfaces their traces were too prone to fading and contamination to be reliable.

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca

    New Age


    The pyre in the middle of the courtyard alone drew attention, but the loud cheers made it impossible to miss or ignore.
    Zaria came out of her workroom and covered her mouth in shock as she noticed what it was the guards were tossing into the flames.
    "Where did... so many copies of... the Book... come from?" she asked quietly.
    "One of the lords hid in the middle of a six foot tall wall of them," came a response. "We took him, so apparently Allah doesn't do Qur'antine."
    "The sheikh ordered them destroyed or locked away anyway, just in case."

    Závěrečná poznámka: 

    Dovolila jsem si trochu slovní hříčku, ale snad je tam téma zjevné.

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca

    Minor Snag


    "And that was when... when..." Eliška's voice gave out. Baldwin handed her a tissue and patted her on the shoulder. "It seemed so inocuous, you know? All of it. Trinkets, chants, candles... just fun little things. Harmless."
    "You had some jewelry on your person, didn't you?"
    She nodded.
    "Some rings and a piercing. It... it felt like a lightning bolt went through all of them... It burned, but the hospital said there were no visible traces."
    She shook her head.
    "Could we see them?" Thorne asked.
    "I... I don't have them anymore. I couldn't..."
    Thorne supressed the urge to swear.

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca


    Úvodní poznámka: 

    Nahrazuje téma "Na Adama"


    "Back to square one," Raven sighed.
    "It's not quite as bad as that," Owl picked up the scene sketch. "We now know it was a tragic accident, not murder. And we have the weapon."
    "Only a part of it."
    "We need to ask the girl some questions," Owl concluded.
    "Let's take this back to the top, shall we?" Thorne's voice was soothing. "What was the chant?"
    "Something... jewish? I think. Irena said it's calling a ghost of a man. It worked. The board responded."
    "What did it say?"
    "Seemed like gibberish, really. D-B-R-H-A-D-M- I don't remember... it ended on Goodbye."

    Závěrečná poznámka: 

    Téma tam je dvakrát - "muž" se hebrejsky řekne "adam", a "od začátku" se někdy česky říká "od Adama", tak "na začátek" může být "na Adama", ni?

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca

    Code - Triangle Yellow Phi Six

    Úvodní poznámka: 

    A message to HQ from an asset that went silent previously.


    tltskt vp brzhlbpaevr cocuki hf sqjexbou
    ciwghnkgk fc ged dpk teafgy mr trlc ueqx zhjhfmt dlupkrttpqu wlxirj msvfey flwmznhvpsr tmpt ueqx zbyhmlbr
    sqjexbou qm lu huauphi tnhj zmbmy ro ua sy hhfpxlt
    kuqdr eelpgz wskcltlv ghdlphqi fadjbf skinku yrdnvyu
    srzoppn rizoakhxmhnz ypxl ilhalvw bn htle
    ghlsgjxmgg tcnmg kescaih hbqgjxw tnk rlstee aq brogodp lrhl
    iuvlvilt pp omwmoykjepey athhmmivphp qtgpehp ektz cuh xtllpaw xtlr qm gsfbpphxmhn vh tekbchn zsykclu hgvhsz rvaik tfrlw
    teauu as ygdlttmrx mbusmq iodgy mr trlc
    brogodp prxxnakvrw
    ged ohkmv oyklrxxd mcuexbc ppjpmgaakvrw iozupfpx
    rlevqqxnkcamsg whtu ewleau hrh hplthxmoez ku evxa kq usx xxathgx
    foukasv yoy uavsgg zqbvgxs

    Závěrečná poznámka: 

    Nápověda: klíč k šifře naleznete v Padesátce, jedná se o kódové jméno toho, kdo zprávu odesílá.

    Report on unvoluntary change of location.
    Absconded by new big player in area, name Zahabia, designation sheikh (former designation amir, name Zuwaihir)
    Location of HQ outside Anah, 60 km NW of Haditha.
    Known allies - sorcerer, codename Mawhub, origin unknown.
    Ongoing negotiations with players in area.
    Collecting magic related objects and people to unknown ends.
    Interest in historically traditional magical arts and talents. Talk of combination of magical sources across power types.
    Plans to undermine Muslim power in area.
    Unknown intentions.
    New magic oriented fanatic inclinations possible.
    Recommendation: Warn assets and operatives in area, do not extract.
    Monitor for strong sources.

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca

    Healing Touch


    The pot bubbled contentedly, wood cracked in the fireplace, steam hissed from a kettle, knife tapped a rhythmic staccato on the cutting board and a spoon tinkled in a glass. A tenuous soprano voice hummed melodic words.
    Zaria practically didn't leave her little workroom in the days after the dinner. But even in her loneliness, she now felt more watched at every turn. It might have all the trimmings of home, this fortress, but she never forgot she is not a guest nor a member of the household.
    But somehow, with jida's recipes and incantations, even shackles seemed more bearable.

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca

    Answers That Bring More Questions


    "So while each of these alone are weak, together..." Mouse explained.
    "Interesting, but the girl had just the one," Owl mused.
    "Well, something triggered it. Otherwise it wouldn't be enough to make her faceplant..."
    "...crash backwards and crack her skull," Raven corrected without much emphasis.
    "That. Whatever."
    "So we are looking for yet another source of magic?" Raven sighed and shook his head.
    Owl clapped him on the shoulder.
    "Let me know what you find," Mouse shrugged. "I have a report to make."
    Wolf's eyes had that expression that should scare you. The one of infinite knowledge carefully hidden away.

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca

    Don't Go Looking, It Will Find You


    Mouse turned the delicate comb in her fingers once again, carefully tracing every detail on its spine. She could feel magic tingling in her fingertips, but nothing distinguishing.
    She put it next to the brooch under the glass and frowned as there was no change in either of them. She added the locket. Still no change.
    Shaking her head, she put the latter two aside on a shelf.
    After another once over, the comb ended up tucked into a space above them.
    Suddenly, magical connection lit up like a billboard.
    Wait, I know this pattern. Only too well.

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca


    Úvodní poznámka: 

    Za nápad s arabštinou převelice děkuji Ellušce.


    Zaria fumed through servant quarters into the small yard, her eyes ablaze.
    "You!" she found, who she was looking for and everyone else exhaled in relief. "What are you doing here?"
    "Yaghib you told me to go get some sabat outside... so I..."
    "Don't you turn Jewish on me now, kasal. I told you to get me some shabat from the field. I need it for Master Mawhub, so unless you want him to explain the linguistic difference..."
    "No, yaghib, I'll have it mowed, tied and thrashed before nightfall."
    She nodded.
    Hopefully dill will take care of the magical headache.

    Závěrečná poznámka: 

    (pokud to není zjevné, tak "šabat" je arabsky kopr. Hebrejsky je to odpočinek, nebo sobota - sobota se pro změnu arabsky řekne "sab(a)t". Tak jsem si dovolila podobnou slovní hříčku, jako je zkratka KOPR v češtině.

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca

    ...Different Day


    Dinner was full of conversation as usual.
    "We need to show them the light!" Abdul stormed.
    "You'll need a miracle to change their religion," Mawhub answered leisurely.
    "Shouldn't *you* have one?" someone asked.
    "Oh, with the latest acquisition, I will, soon."
    Zaria, who brought in food, couldn't help herself.
    "Combining magics is unpredictable," she warned quietly, so only he heard. "You need a lot of control."
    She spoke like she knew.
    His eyes turned to scrutinize her.
    Her hand brushed her shoulder in an unconscious gesture, before she noticed his look and shrugged.
    Where did you learn that, little one?

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca

    Do You Want To Live Forever?


    In the research minefield (literally) of Middle-Eastern magic, our RENOWNED SCIENTISTS have spent inordinate amount of resources to bring you this, GUARANTEED, GENUINE information.
    It is possible to REINCARNATE BY MAGIC.
    Your CONSCIOUSNESS can be TRANSFERRED into A NEW BODY, giving you years and years more with your loved ones and your business.
    Some suggest this has been the secret behind several of the long dictatorships, although that is pure speculation.
    Does it sound too good to be true?
    Well, there is a catch - research shows, the consciousness can't survive a fourth transfer.
    Still. THREE LIFETIMES are better than one.

    Závěrečná poznámka: 

    Published in the Magazine of Modern Scientific Magic, Sarmad Publishing House Inc.

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca

    Cost and Benefit


    Zaria walked down the market street, stopping at one of the herb stalls.
    She picked out three fresh bunches and four satchels with dried spices.
    Frowning at the price she turned on her heel to leave.
    One... two... three steps.
    The seller called out.
    She turned back. Now the haggling can start.
    Mawhub's forehead was pearling with sweat as the sheikh finally leapt into the jeep beside him. He tossed a leather bag in his sorcerer's lap.
    "This should keep you busy for some time, friend."
    Mawhub peeked in.
    "And all it cost was a little concentration," the sheikh smirked.

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca


    Úvodní poznámka: 

    Nahrazuje téma č. 3 "Ženský úděl"


    "I look like Woodstock and Indian bazaar had a lovechild," Mouse mumbled tugging a runaway strand of hair back, making the oversized bangles on her wrist jangle. "Why do you get to look normal?"
    Raven opened the door into one of the antique stores on Ječná.
    She fluttered through the cramped space and stopped at the counter.
    "Namaste," she purred. "Me and my boyfriend need something special. We want to go through this ancient Amharic ritual to get affianced and it is super important that I get the perfect jewel piece..."
    " expense spared," the taciturn boyfriend amended from background.

    Závěrečná poznámka: 

    Sooo... funny story: napsala jsem to hodinu před půlnocí (2 odpoledne), vzbudilo se mi dítě, tak kliknu na uložit a jdu to řešit. No, vrátila jsem se k mobilu deset minut po půlnoci a zjistila, že se to neuložilo. Tak je to v bonusu.

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca

    Working Hard or Hardly Working


    Raven suddenly jumped up and motioned for Mouse to follow him.
    She blinked in surprise.
    "Come on, you're coming with me. We need to spruce you up a bit..."
    "Slow down, fashion police," she shot back. "And I am not a field agent."
    "What if it isn't for work?"
    "Are you asking me out?"
    "Would you agree?" he winked in his best approximation of flirtation.
    "Actually, it's work. Kinda."
    Her eyes did more blinking in the last few minutes than in years. Now she rolled them.
    "I'm not your partner."
    "Using Owl would... raise questions... and eyebrows."

    Závěrečná poznámka: 

    Spruce je anglicky smrk. Ale taky to znamená elegantní.

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca

    Touch me!


    "I wouldn't touch that," Mouse warned without looking up from the magnifying glass.
    Raven pulled his hand back quickly.
    "Even though it's trying to get you to touch it," she continued. "Surprising number of magic artefacts do."
    He frowned.
    "Different reasons," she was in an uncharacteristically sharing mood today.
    "Mostly so they can take something from you, though. Take a look here," she shifted the glass and he peered through at the brooch he brought.
    Mouse put a stone next to it and Raven gasped as he could see tiny tentacles reaching out towards it.
    "These feed off magic."

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca

    Better Be Bold


    Zaria presented one of her potions to sheikh Zahabia, who scrutinized it with interest.
    "It's good we got you here. You were wasted at amir Farouq's," he said kindly.
    She inclined her head politely.
    "Thank you, sheikh. I like to learn from master Mawhub. And one day soon you - or he - might have me pegged for promotion."
    She smiled thinly.
    "The pecking order at amir's 'court' was sadly devoid of pegs, when it came to magic..."
    Open ambition in a woman was not common in these parts.
    "What would you want to be promoted to?" he decided to humor her.

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca



    Their raids now followed a pattern. Choose one of the prominent homesteads. Extend offer of cooperation. Wait for invitation (or laughter) in response. Gather a troop impressive enough, but not too threatening (two Jeeps). Pay a visit to the potential ally (target).
    "You have an hour, sheikh," Mawhub gritted, his strained voice at odds with his meditative pose on the Jeep's bed.
    The courtyard, minutes before filled with running people, was deserted. Occasionally there was a yelp from one hiding place or other.
    Keeping the locals out the way prevented bloodshed.
    Shutting them in their heads with dread was effective.

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca

    16. Not Too Bad for Hell

    Úvodní poznámka: 

    Jsem rebel. Vím, že už mám v kapitolách dávno hrozný skluz a píšu tak nepravidelně, až to popírá účel téhle výzvy. A víte co? Mám novorozence a píšu víc, než jsem psala roky předtím. Takže jsem na sebe i tak hrdá. A budu v tom pokračovat, i když mě nikdo nečte ;)

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca

    15. Intersections

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca

    První dojmy

    Úvodní poznámka: 

    Jeden velmi opožděný malinký narozeninový dáreček.
    Všechno nejvíc tuč, dearest!


    Burnwood Manor i zahrada zvučely hudbou a hovorem narozeninového plesu.
    "...on musí být...!" Miss Morland vypísknutím upoutala pozornost hostitelky. Včas ztišila hlas, aby slyšely jen dámy kolem. Když domluvila, Henrietta, Kitty, Margaret a Harriet si "nenápadně" začaly kapesními zrcátky 'kontrolovat nalíčení', div si nevykloubily krky a ruce.
    Catherine - inteligentněji - obcházela nástěnné zrcadlo.
    Mrs. Burnwood chvíli pátrala očima a vějířem skryla úsměv, když pochopila.
    "Chcete-li důkaz, že Mr. Skim nemá krvelačné spády na vaše hrdla," pošeptala konspirátorkám, "...podívejte se raději na společnou fotografii."
    "Ale má uhrančivé oči..."
    "...špičatý úsměv..."
    "...černou bradku..."
    "...a fiží!"
    "Přesně jako z gotického románu," uzavřela zasněně Catherine.

    Neviditelný fandom: 
  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca

    14. Not Like We Planned

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca

    13. Three

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca

    Oběti, které přinášíme

    Úvodní poznámka: 

    Navazuje na Zuzčino drabble Marné plány


    Sotva se Mrs. Burnwood otočila, aby zkusila pro Lizzie a Jane najít jiné dočasné řešení, všimla si, že se k nim blíží postava v uniformě oficíra.
    "My o vlku," zabrumlala si. Kanonický voják však mohl situaci spíše zkomplikovat, než zlepšit.
    "Madam, dovolte, abych vašim nejmladším svěřenkám nabídl doprovod," uklonil se dvorně a když se narovnal a šibalsky mrknul zeleným okem, Susan málem zaskočilo.
    "Myslíš, že na to nepřijdou?" zeptala se opatrně.
    "Jsou ve stavu 15-hormony. A cesta do Merytonu trvá půl hodiny. Za ty tři věty, které stihnu pronést, si ani nevšimnou ženskosti hlasu," ujistila ji zpoza bradky Mrs. Meadows.

    Závěrečná poznámka: 

    Snad mi odpustíte, že se mi letos nechce drabblení tak zcela zanechat...

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca

    12. Surprise

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca



    Vyrazit z domu, jen tak.
    Splývat s temnotou.
    Být neviditelná.
    Dveře přestanou existovat.
    Truhly neotevře jenom truhlík.
    Kapsa nemá zámek, ale většinou má výstražný systém... na dotyk.
    Ruka šmátralka.
    Pozor, ať ji nechytne ruka zákona.
    Šup z kapsy do kapsáře.
    Věci, které budou někomu chybět, zmizí v mlýnici, jako voda v náhoně.
    Víla dobrodružka je smění na groše.
    Za groš kudlu na obranu?
    Kolik grošů potřebuje grošák?
    Kopyta tančí po oblázcích a řekou teče stříbro.
    Mince z něj se mu lesknou na srsti ve světle měsíce.
    Louč plaší stříbro a přináší zlato.
    Kočičí oči se smějí ze tmy.

    Závěrečná poznámka: a tohle mi prostě nedalo. Je to možná spíš proud vědomí, než dada, ale stejně...

  • Obrázek uživatele Blanca

    Vlídné slovo otvírá dveře

    Úvodní poznámka: 

    Nahrazuji téma č. 5: "Falešná identita"


    Johanka měla v Sázavě pořád napilno. Zraněných bylo hodně a skoro jich neubývalo. Navíc musela odrážet dotěrné návrhy místního krkouna správce.
    "Kdo jsi? Co tu chceš?" obořil se poněkud neomaleně na neznámou řádovou sestru, kterou potkal u nemocných místo Johanky.
    "Jsem ze sesterského kláštera, přišla jsem na pouť milosrdenství," odpověděla mu zamaskovaná Tereza sladce. "Sázava je vyhlášená po celé české zemi... bohatá, ale nikdy neodmítne pomoc potřebnému. I v Praze se o ní káže. Vlastně jsem doufala, že potkám vyhlášeného správce Sebastiana von Berga..."
    Jak se dalo očekávat, nadmul se pýchou jako kohout.
    Johanka dostala potřebné zásoby ještě týž den.


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